The University Student Council

The University Student Council (USC), formerly known as the Central Student Council (CSC) is the highest student governing body of TUA, constituted by nine (9) officers, namely, the USC Governor, USC Vice-Governor, and USC Councilors from the respective college unit of the university, duly elected by the student body in a manner expressly provided in the TUA Student Election Code.

It manages its affairs in accordance with the USC Student Constitution of 2016. It serves as the umbrella organization of all student organizations accredited by the Student Affairs Center (SAC).

The Student Legislative Assembly

The Student Legislative Assembly (SLA) shall be the legislative branch of the student government which shall function in accordance with the TUA Student Constitution and By-Laws. Its members shall be selected in a manner expressly provided therein.

The Local Student Councils

The Central Student Council is assisted by the seven (6) collegiate councils in all of its functions. The Local Student Councils are the Arts, Sciences and Education Student Council, Business Management & Accountatncy Student Council, College of Engineering and Information Sciences Student Council,  Hotel and Tourism Management Student Council, Medical Technology Student Council or the Philippine Society of Medical Technology Students (PHISMETS), and the Nursing Student Council or the Student Nurses Association (SNA).

The Student Commission on Elections

The SCOMEL shall implement consistently the provisions of the TUA Student Election Code.