Research Agenda
- Link research with practice.
- Build and enhance the research capability of the University through human and physical resource development as a way of creating an environment that fosters research.
- Establish linkages between/among families, schools, community groups and the corporate world.
- Develop a re-orientation in beliefs that education is a community-wide rather than a school-based activity.
A. Research Thrust and Priorities: (URDC Research Manual)
- Program/Curriculum Enhancement
- Institution-Building
- Health and Health-Related Researches (including alternative medicine)
- Integrative Theories, Models or Philosophy
- Teacher Education
- Policy-oriented Studies
- Christian Education, Values and other Related Advocacies
- Business and Industry
- Intercultural Studies
- Service-learning
- Peace and Security
- People Empowerment
Note: From URDC Research Manual
B. Research Priorities from NEHRA 2 2009-2018
- Basic research to generate new knowledge and advance the frontiers in the various disciplines
- Research in aid of policy/plan formulation and implementation particularly in education
- Research aimed at producing/adapting education technologies and developing education programs in cutting edge fields such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, ICT, materials science, etc.
- R & D in aid of national/regional development
Priority Areas in Education and Education Management
- Program/Curricular Studies on Higher Education
- Policy Oriented Studies
- Financing of higher education; cost sharing in higher education
- Economics of higher education
- Governance and management of higher education
- Accreditation and other quality assurance mechanisms
- Rationalization of higher education
- Internationalization of higher education
- Access and equity measures
- Student financing models
- Research on Quality and Standards in the context of
- International rankings and global benchmarding
- Quality Assurance Systems
- Equivalency
- Redefining Classifications of HEIs
- Technology and Education
- Model Building Studies
- Institutional Development Studies
- Graduate Tracer Studies
Priority Themes for Multidisciplinary/Multisectoral Research
- Food Safety and Security
- Enhancing Indigenous Renewable Energy Source in the Domestic Energy Mix
- Development of Vaccines and Diagnostic Kits using Indigenous Materials
- Disaster Risk Management
- Pollution Control
- Climate Change specifically on the Issue of Global warming
- Future ASEAN
- Peace Process and Conflict Resolution
C. Research Priorities from NUHRA 2011-2016
- Diagnostics
- Genomic Molecular Technology
- Drug Discovery and Development
- Functional Foods
- Hospital Equipment and Biomedical Devices
- Information and Communication Technology for Health
- Financial Risk Protection
- Improving Access to quality Hospital and Health Care Facilities
- Improving Provisions of Public Health Services
- Environmental and Climate Change
- Health Social Sciences