Pharmacy Dedication Mass for Licensure Examinees
The Department of Pharmacy under the College of Allied Health Sciences, in collaboration with the Junior Pharmacists Society, held a dedication mass for the Pharmacist Licensure Exam (PhLE) 2024 on the 12th of April, Friday at the University Chapel.
The department gathered as a community to offer our prayers, blessings, and support to those who will be undertaking this important milestone in their professional journey. The Pharmacy Dedication Mass is a solemn occasion where friends, family, faculty, and well-wishers come together to provide spiritual strength and encouragement to those preparing to take the licensure examination. The Mass is a special service dedicated to the intentions of the examinees. This includes prayers for guidance, wisdom, and peace as they face the challenges ahead. The liturgy incorporates readings and reflections that offer inspiration and assurance of God’s presence amidst the journey of preparation and examination. Each candidate was invited to come forward to receive a personal blessing from Fr. Dexter Tad-awan. This symbolic gesture signifies the community’s collective support and the examinees’ readiness to embark on this significant endeavor. Upon the conclusion of the mass, Mr. Deric Vengua, a faculty member, and Dr. Rufo Aggarao, the college dean, offered words of encouragement. The examinees were instilled with confidence and trust in their abilities by their inspirational words of wisdom and motivation.