TUA-SLCN and Pro Civitate of Germany Partnership
University President Dr. Gisela DA Luna and St. Luke’s College of Nursing (SLCN) Dean Dr. John Michael Lorena met with Pro Civitate Top Management Wolfgang Schuetze and Christian Hallerbach to discuss the resumption of Covid19-paused plans and projects between TUA and Pro Civitate.
Impressed by the developments and the progress in each other’s execution of strategic plans despite the effects of the current pandemic, both parties pledged to continue accommodating all opportunities to assist each other in providing Trinitian students and alumni growth prospects as professionals, especially in the healthcare industry.
Pro Civitate is a German company that operates more than 20 completely stationary nursing homes in Germany. It donated the SLCN Geriatric Nursing Laboratory, which is now a benchmark among Nursing schools in the Philippines.
Present also in the said meeting were Alumni, Industry Relations, and Global Education Office (AIRGEO) Manager Caleb Donne Coniate and Kristine Brisenio, Managing Consultant of EDI Staffbuilders International, the Philippine partner of Pro Civitate.