TUA-PNMCC Joint Activity on Philippine Network of Microbial Culture Collections
20th Annual Symposium Webinar Series
3 Cs: Culture Collections and COVID-19
October 03 08:00-12:00 AM “COVID-19 Testing: RT-PCR”
October 10 01:00-05:00 PM “Biosafety and Biosecurity”
October 17 08:00-12:00 AM “Development of a Vaccine for COVID-19”
October 24 01:00-05:00 PM “Establishment of Virology Science and
Technology Institute of the Philippines”
For More Information, pls visit:
PNMCC Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/iamPNMCC/
TUA CASE Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TUACASE2020/