TUA signs MOA with FFUP
University President Dr. Gisela Luna and Dean Dr. apt. Syamsudin, M. Biomed. together with Prof. Dr. rer. nat. apt. Deni Rahmat, M.Si. of Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila (FFUP)-Jakarta Indonesia signed the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on April 11, 2024,. The signing ceremony focused on cooperation in establishing programs of exchange and collaboration of the Pharmacy Department, such as faculty/student exchange, joint development activities and conferences, exchange lecture series, cultural immersion, research, and social development.
Dr. Syamsudin and Dr. Deni conveyed their gratitude to TUA for joining forces with them in the quest for internationalization throughout the ASEAN area.
VPAA Dr. Howell Ho, VPAF Matilde Asuncion, CAHS Dean Dr. Rufo Aggarao, Chair of the BS Pharmacy Connie Sim, and Manager of AIRGEO Caleb Donne Coniate were also present at the aforementioned meeting.