TUA welcomes UB Fellows for Scholarly Exchange on Service-Learning
TUA hosted on Monday and Tuesday, 24 and 25 October, three United Board of Christian Higher Education (UBCHEA) Fellows visiting the Philippines to learn more about the service-learning activities and educational philosophies of TUA and of other schools in the country.
Led by Univ. President Dr. Gisela Luna, VP for Academic Affairs Dr. Howell Ho, and VP for Admin. and Finance Matilde Asuncion, the Management Committee and the heads of various academic programs received 2022-23 UB Fellow Dr. Varbi Roy and 2021-22 Dr. Samrat Bhattacharjee of Scottish Church College, India and 2021-22 UB Fellow Dr. Jenish Paul of Union Christian College Aluva, India.
Discussions among the UB Fellows and the officials of TUA covered the humanities, the business and technology, and the allied health curriculums of the school. Lengthier and deeper exchange was spent on the “whole person education” perspective, the community extension program, and the service-learning curriculum of TUA.
The United Board Fellows Program is described as “designed to answer the needs of leadership development for mid-career faculty and administrators from Asian colleges and universities” and that thru it, “the United Board develops dynamic leaders who will advance whole person education within their home institutions.” (unitedboard.org)
The said visit was facilitated by the Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs thru the Alumni, Industry Relations, and Global Education Office (AIRGEO).