Batch Hygieia: Transforming Medical Technology Leaders – A Night of Celebration and Inspiration
The College of Medical Technology’s Batch Hygieia came together on a memorable evening at the Henry Noble Gymnasium on May 23, 2023 from 3pm – 6pm to mark their culminating activity. With the title “Imago: Fulfilling the Transformation of Trinitian Medical Technology Leaders,” the event promised to be an extraordinary celebration of achievements and a source of inspiration for the future medical technologists.
The event commenced with a heartfelt Thanksgiving Service led by the University Chaplain, Rev. Fr. Echanes Cadiogan. As the room filled with a sense of gratitude and appreciation, the attendees acknowledged the blessings that had guided them throughout their transformative journey. Following the Thanksgiving Service, Dr. Mark Francisco, the College Dean, took the stage to deliver the opening remarks. The eager students were moved by his words, which emphasized the value of their chosen career path and urged them to embrace their positions as future leaders in the medical technology industry. The motivational message given by Rev. Don Villareiz, an alumnus of Batch 1990, was the evening’s highlight. He passionately and wisely shared his personal experiences with the aspiring medical technologists, giving them insightful advice.
A moment of recognition and honor followed as Mr. Marco Jay Beralde, the Clinical Instructor, led the awarding of the Most Outstanding Interns. Ms. Franchesca Enriquez, the Batch Representative, took the stage to lead the Student Recognition session. With pride and admiration, she showcased the achievements and growth of Batch 2023. The evening reached a symbolic moment with the Ring Ceremony, headed by CMT Councilor Mr. Zion Banes. Each student proudly accepted their ring, representing their unity and commitment to transforming the world of medical technology.
The event drew to a close with Ms. Aila Nell Sarmiento, CMT’s Clinical Training Head, delivering impactful closing remarks. Her words resonated deeply, reminding everyone of their potential to make a difference and the importance of embracing their roles as leaders in medical technology. As the students got ready to start their professional careers, the room was filled with a newfound feeling of purpose and determination.
As Batch Hygieia steps into the next chapter of their lives, armed with knowledge, passion, and a shared vision, we can only anticipate the remarkable contributions they will make in shaping the future of medical technology. Congratulations to Batch Hygieia on a truly unforgettable evening, and may their journey be filled with success, fulfillment, and transformative impact!