TUA-College of Hospitality & Tourism Management partners with UPLB-Institute of Human Nutrition and Food
by Ms. Tricia Espina
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management (CHTM) faculty Mark Adem, Sheryl Salazar, Dick Franco, Katriena Cabanting and Tricia Espina participated in the virtual pilot testing of Environmental Sustainability and Sustainable Dining for Integration in Curriculum of Hospitality and Tourism and other related tertiary courses, sponsored by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the University of the Philippines, Los Baños on March 20-12, 2021. The said event aimed to promote and integrate concepts and principles on sustainable food systems, environmental sustainability, and sustainable dining. It highlighted the application of sustainable dining principles from food establishment operations to everyday living including menu planning, purchasing, meal preparation, consumption, and resource management. It was also designed to further the knowledge and skills in research and promotion of environmental sustainability and sustainable dining.
Desiring to cascade the advocacy behind the said event to Trinitian students and to do their individual parts in the promotion of environmental sustainability and sustainable dining, the mentioned CHTM faculty chose the course in which to participate. On April 13-14, 2021, the faculty participants shared their new learnings to the rest of the CHTM personnel by detailed discussion and by integration of learned topics to selected course offerings.