TUA CMT continues to strengthen internationalization effort by signing MoU with NSYSU, Taiwan
On the 13th of December, Trinity University of Asia, College of Medical Technology (TUA CMT) Dean, Dr. Mark Francisco signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the College of Medicine of National Sun Yat-Sen University (NSYSU), Taiwan.
The said MoU will facilitate both parties’ goal of establishing collaborative academic and research activities for both student and faculty members.
Dr. Francisco earned his BS in Medical Technology degree from TUA-CMT and his doctorate degree from NSYSU-Institute of Biomedical Sciences.
Present to witness the significant virtual event were Dr. Howell T. Ho (VP for Acad. Affairs), Mr. Jomar Adams Ganding, MSMT (Academic Head, CMT), Ms. Aila Nell Sarmiento, MSMT (Clinical Training Head, CMT), and Mr. Caleb Donne Coniate, MAEd (Manager, Alumni, Industry Relations, and Global Education Office)