WELCOME TO TRINITY UNIVERSITY OF ASIA – Situated at the heart of Quezon City, the University exemplifies a prelude to a dedicated and committed service to the Unseen Hand and all humankind. She is surrounded by robust communities, ablazed with Christian and nationalistic spirit. By precept and example, she strives to imbue the young with Christian ideals of Love, Freedom, and Service. It is a wellspring of formative ideals for the young pledging to be successful leaders towards the making of a humane society.

While TUA has deliberately maintained the most valuable traditions from her early roots, including the Anglican-Episcopal Christian heritage, she equally welcomes students and staff of all faiths as she moves rapidly with the opportunities and present varied challenges of the changing times. She offers an innovative array of academic courses which teach a range of skills and present varied kinds of intellectual and practical challenges appropriate to contemporary employment needs and to the understanding of a wide range of critical issues affecting modern society.

Trinity University of Asia offers to students higher education of distinctive quality which is personally enriching and professionally relevant in a supportive and intellectually stimulating environment. Her work continues to be formed by the values of her Christian foundation, enriched and supported by many members of other faiths and philosophies. Her fundamental purpose remains to provide excellent higher education in a Christian context, a Trinitian education which is characterized by an abiding faith in God, a never-ending quest for academic excellence, and a deep commitment to serve humankind.

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